Current UCSD Student Organizations (2024-2025)

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Current Student Organizations (2024 - 2025)
A Friend in me at UC San Diego
Academic Enrichment for Relocated Students (AERS)
Active Minds
AIDS Awareness Alliance at UC San Diego, The
Alpha Miracle Foundation (AMF) @ UC San Diego
Alpha Phi Omega
American Pacific Health Foundation @ UC San Diego
Asha For Education at UC San Diego
Beautiful Mind Project @ UC San Diego
Best Buddies @ UC San Diego
Blossom Together at UC San Diego
BPSHI (Bhagat Puran Singh Health Initative)
Brain Exercise Initiative, The
Breaking Bread
California Public Interest Research Group @ UC San Diego
Camp Kesem
Care2Share at UC San Diego
Circle K. International
Colleges Against Cancer
CS foreach
Doctors Without Borders Chapter @ UC San Diego
Ecology, Behavior and Evolution Club at UC San Diego
End Overdose at UC San Diego
Engineering World Health
Engineers Without Borders at UC San Diego
ERP @ UC San Diego
Every Child Plays
Fronteras Saludables (Healthier Borders)
Global Dental Brigades (GDB)/@ UC San Diego
Global Medical Brigades @ UC San Diego
Graduate Women in Computing
Green New Deal at UC San Diego
Harm-Reduction, Education and Recovery Team
Healing Hands at UC San Diego
Health and Anti-Recidivism Project (HAARP)
Health Disparities Initiative
Health, Education, and Literacy (HEAL)
Heart and Sole
Hearts For The Homeless San Diego
Hidden Opponent at UC San Diego, The
Hidden Road Initiative
Homeless Health and Empowerment Across Learning (Homeless HEAL)
Hope Epsilon Lambda Pi
Houselessness Service Club at UC San Diego
ImmunoMind at UC San Diego
Intergenerational Connections
International Women's Health Organization (IWHO)
Jail Outreach Program
Kindness Collective
Lotus Project, The
M.E.M.O. at UC San Diego
MEDLIFE at UC San Diego
MentorU @ UC San Diego
Minority Association of Pre-Medical Students (MAPS)
Music and Memory at UC San Diego
Mustard Seed Project, The
National Alliance on Mental Illness @ UC San Diego
National Residence Hall Honorary
Neurodegenerative Disease Awareness Association (NDAA)
Opioid Addiction Prevention and Advocacy Association.
Partners In Health Engage at UC San Diego
Phi Sigma Pi
Pink Ribbon Initiative
Planned Parenthood Generation Action at UC San Diego
Plant Futures at University of California - San Diego
Pollinator Club at UC San Diego
Post It With Tritons
Project Happiness
Project Pink
Project RISHI
Red Cross at UC San Diego
Roger's Community Garden
Rotaract Club at UC San Diego
SAP-VN at UC San Diego
Science Olympiad @ UCSD
Seal Society Club at UC San Diego
Shelter and Aid for Strays @ UC San Diego
Shining Smiles Alliance @ UC San Diego
Society of Immigrant and Refugee Health
Sprout Up @ UC San Diego
Student Veteran Organization
Students' Civil Liberties Union
Surfrider Foundation at Scripps
Tau Sigma
Tijuana Youth Migrant Mentor Network (TYMMN)
Triton Brain Injury Network
Triton Software Engineering
Triton Tutors
Tzu Chi Collegiate Association at UC San Diego
UFGM Initiative
Underground Scholars Initiative
Unheard Cries
UNICEF Club @ UC San Diego
United Students Against Sweatshops (USAS) Local 619
Urban Changemakers
VAW Global at UC San Diego
Venus Rising at UC San Diego
Welcome Home
Whiskers and Foster
WQC - Keep It Clean
Y.E.S - Youth Empowerment in Science
Young Minds
Youth Movement Against Alzheimers, The

Please Read!
Registered student organizations are independent entities, and are not official units of UC San Diego. Therefore, UC San Diego is not responsible for the acts or omissions of registered student organizations and/or any members/persons acting on behalf of those student organizations.
Please Read!
Student organization registration for the 2024 - 2025 year opens on Monday, August 19, 2024.
As organizations meet the requirements and are approved they are added here.
You can view last year's (2023 - 2024) student organizations here.
