United Students Against Sweatshops (USAS) Local 619

Service & Changemaking Category

Academic Year
USAS Local 619 at the University of California, San Diego is dedicated to building union power and promoting worker’s rights by waging local and international labor campaigns on our campus. Other struggles we are committed to include: immigrant rights, undoing institutionalized racism, increasing diversity in higher education, lower tuition, combating other forms of oppression in the labor market, changing people’s consumption practices to promote social justice and lobbying in support of working-class issues. In order to maximize our impact in building union and student power on campus, USAS at the University of California, San Diego is a non-partisan, inclusive, “big-tent” organization. In building union power and acting in solidarity with workers, USAS at the University of California, San Diego works in conjunction with elected leaders of labor organizations.


Organization Type
Organization Email
Social Media
IG: @ucsdusas
Fund Manager
Kevin Antonelli
United Students Against Sweatshops (USAS) Local 619 Principal Members
Jonathan Chavezjcchavez@ucsd.edu
Tanvi Nareddulatnareddula@ucsd.edu
Drew Migitadmigita@ucsd.edu
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Organization Constitution

CSI Advisor

Kaylee Howard 
Kaylee Howard
Student Organizations Advisor & Program Manager
To get involved and learn more about this student organization please contact the Principal Members above by email directly.

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