Current UCSD Student Organizations (2024-2025)

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Current Student Organizations (2024 - 2025)
American Chemical Society Student Affiliates (ACSSA)
Architecture at UC San Diego
Association for Women in Mathematics
Astronomy Club at UC San Diego
Bioengineering Graduate Society
Biological Sciences Student Association
BioScholars Program at UC San Diego
Cell to Society Reading Group
Challenger Research Journal at UC San Diego
Chemistry Graduate Student Council
Chemistry Student Selected Seminar Committee at UC San Diego
Cognitive Science Student Association
Computer Science and Engineering Society
Construction Management Association of America at UC San Diego
ECE Undergraduate Student Council
Eta Kappa Nu (HKN)
Ethnic Studies Undergraduate Community
Gender Minorities in Bioengineering
Global Sustainable Development Ambassadors
Graduate Society of Chemical and Nano Engineers (GSCN) at UC San Diego
Graduate Women in Physics
HDSI Student Council
Human Development Student Association
International Studies Student Association (ISSA) at UC San Diego
Kommon Society
Linguistics Undergraduate Association (LINGUA)
MAE Undergraduate Student Advisory Committee
Mandeville Art Collective (MAC at UC San Diego)
Mathematics Graduate Student Council (MGSC)
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Graduate Student Council
Munadhira @ UC San Diego
Neurosciences Graduate Program
Pandora Forum at UC San Diego
Psi Chi/Psychology Club
Public Health Graduate Organization (PH-GO) at UC San Diego
Public Health Undergraduate Organization at UC San Diego
Rady Finance Club
Rady Product Management Club at UC San Diego
Robotic Graduate Student Organization (RoboGrads)
Scholars Society at UC San Diego
Scripps Education Association
Society of Automotive Engineers
Society of Undergraduate Mathematics Students (SUMS)
Sociology Community
Students for Global Health
Tau Beta Pi
Triton Engineering Student Council
Triton NeuroTech
Triton Quantitative Trading
Triton Robotics
Triton Unmanned Aerial Systems
Undergraduate Bioinformatics Club (UBIC)
Undergraduate Communication Society
Women in ECE (WeCe)
Yonder Deep

Please Read!
Registered student organizations are independent entities, and are not official units of UC San Diego. Therefore, UC San Diego is not responsible for the acts or omissions of registered student organizations and/or any members/persons acting on behalf of those student organizations.
Please Read!
Student organization registration for the 2024 - 2025 year opens on Monday, August 19, 2024.
As organizations meet the requirements and are approved they are added here.
You can view last year's (2023 - 2024) student organizations here.
