Harm-Reduction, Education and Recovery Team

Service & Changemaking Category

Academic Year
Harm-Reduction, Education and Recovery Team aims to promote recovery from substance use and harm reduction by offering peer-to-peer support and a safe space for students, faculty, and staff interested in seeking and/or supporting loved ones in recovery. The main objective is to learn about recovery, encourage harm reduction, and provide other supportive resources by hosting social events that will aid in making connections with UC San Diego peers involved in recovery. Harm-Reduction, Education and Recovery Team supports inclusivity and welcomes all people from all backgrounds to participate in social events that are free from substances. Our mission is to break down barriers and stigmas associated with a person currently in or seeking recovery from substance use, and by doing so, this includes allies of recovery. 


Organization Type
Organization Email
Social Media
Fund Manager
Kevin Antonelli
Harm-Reduction, Education and Recovery Team Principal Members
Xairan Rayxaray@ucsd.edu
Christopher Tobiasctobias@ucsd.edu
Brandon Xubhxu@ucsd.edu
Organization Constitution

CSI Advisor

Kaylee Howard 
Kaylee Howard
Student Organizations Advisor & Program Manager
To get involved and learn more about this student organization please contact the Principal Members above by email directly.

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