WQC - Keep It Clean

Service & Changemaking Category

Academic Year
Our club’s mission is rooted in the crisis affecting water quality in the Tijuana and Coronado area. Our goal is to bring light to this significant yet overlooked issue and take a proactive role in sparking meaningful change in this area. The geological proximity of this crisis coupled with the decline in wildlife and drastic reduction of once-thriving kelp forests have taken a severe toll on the ecosystem. This has turned a once clean and prosperous ecosystem into a polluted and unsuitable habitat for many organisms. Therefore, our mission aims to return this ecosystem to its former glory by bringing these issues to public attention, highlighting and advocating for urgent action. By engaging and uniting the community under this cause, we will grow the demand for government attention and funding, beginning the push for meaningful changes, shaping the water quality of tomorrow every step of the way.


Organization Type
Organization Email
Social Media
Fund Manager
Kevin Antonelli
WQC - Keep It Clean Principal Members
Vincent Sofoniovsofonio@ucsd.edu
Alex Spearalspear@ucsd.edu
Vincent Parsyvparsy@ucsd.edu
Ashkon Siamiasiami@ucsd.edu
Organization Constitution

CSI Advisor

Kaylee Howard 
Kaylee Howard
Student Organizations Advisor & Program Manager
To get involved and learn more about this student organization please contact the Principal Members above by email directly.

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