Hidden Road Initiative

Service & Changemaking Category

Academic Year
The Hidden Road Initiative (HRI) is a student-operated, charitable non-profit organization, that provides educational and leadership opportunities to underprivileged students living in remote villages in Armenia. HRI aims to enhance the social capabilities of the village children and empower a new generation of students providing college scholarships, running youth-led educational summer camps with volunteers from across the world, and ultimately training the youth of the village to run service programs themselves. HRI also works to promote the economy and social equality of remote village schools by conducting various development projects, such as renovating schools, installing computer rooms, and constructing kindergartens.


Organization Type
Organization Email
Social Media
Fund Manager
Kevin Antonelli
Hidden Road Initiative Principal Members
Sarine Krikoriansakrikorian@ucsd.edu
Prenie Ohanianpohanian@ucsd.edu
Christine Davtyancdavtyan@ucsd.edu
Audree Melekyanamelekyan@ucsd.edu
Stella Shagmiriansshagmirian@ucsd.edu
Martin Krajyanmkrajyan@ucsd.edu
Ellena Shahbandarianeshahbandarian@ucsd.edu
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Organization Constitution

CSI Advisor

Kaylee Howard 
Kaylee Howard
Student Organizations Advisor & Program Manager
To get involved and learn more about this student organization please contact the Principal Members above by email directly.

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