Reach @ UC San Diego

Social Category

Academic Year
What started as a way to build community amongst a growing social media industry in a college setting has quickly grown to be much more. Reach is the first and only social media club at UCSD. However, we're more than just social media. At Reach, we aim to create a community for content creators, digital marketers, influencers, actors, and anyone interested in entertainment and social media. During the semester, we feature creator workshops, influencer content days, UCSD student socials, guest speakers, and more. In the past, we've had guests from Google, TikTok, WarnerMedia, Paramount, and Fullscreen. We help give creation-focused students insight into the growing entertainment and social media worlds and the world of content creation. We're more than just an org, we're a family! - It's obvious that the landscape of entertainment, digital marketing, and social media is ever changing. With new platforms being created everyday, new trends, new algorithms, we want to ensure club members are ahead of the curve. Industry workshops and creative content creation peer-to-peer classes will give insight on how to build a following, create viral content, and manage a brand's page. - We host guest speakers in two different categories: industry professionals and creative pioneers. Guest speakers including influencers with millions of followers and growth hackers who've pulled viral marketing stunts. Learn hands on and connect in an intimate setting with those who have climbed the ladder. - We understand that collaboration is key to a successful career, whether you're a content creator or someone just interested in entertainment. As a family, we strive to encourage members to share their projects with each other. Many club meetings will involve photoshoots, socials, club diners, retreats, and other bonding events.


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Organization Email
Social Media
Fund Manager
Kevin Antonelli
Reach @ UC San Diego Principal Members
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Organization Constitution

CSI Advisor

Mariaisabel Blancarte 
Mariaisabel Blancarte
Interim Student Organization Advisor
To get involved and learn more about this student organization please contact the Principal Members above by email directly.

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