Quantum Computing at UC San Diego

Educational Category

Academic Year
Quantum Computing at UC San Diego (QCSD) is intended as a learning environment where students that are curious about quantum computing can meet to discuss ideas, find resources, and be connected to peers and faculty they can learn from through workshops designed to help the very curious beginner to learn the basics of quantum computing and competing in various quantum computing hackathons.


Organization Type
Organization Email
Social Media
Fund Manager
Kevin Antonelli
Quantum Computing at UC San Diego Principal Members
Rebecca Breihanrbreihan@ucsd.edu
Paige Schumskypschumsky@ucsd.edu
Dan Vanduvan@ucsd.edu
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Organization Constitution

CSI Advisor

Mariaisabel Blancarte 
Mariaisabel Blancarte
Interim Student Organization Advisor
To get involved and learn more about this student organization please contact the Principal Members above by email directly.

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