Volleyball Enthusiasts @ UC San Diego

Social Category

Academic Year
The purpose of the Volleyball Enthusiasts is to be a hub where those harboring any amount of interest in volleyball can come together and learn more about the sport. Unlike the current competitive nature of volleyball organizations on campus currently, this organization is being built as a relaxed environment where everybody can learn about how to play the game at their own pace, along with learning about related topics such as general fitness and the professional sport.


Organization Type
Organization Email
Social Media
Fund Manager
Johnny Ha
Volleyball Enthusiasts @ UC San Diego Principal Members
Megan Junmejun@ucsd.edu
Neil Chakravartynchakravarty@ucsd.edu
Vincent Gaovgao@ucsd.edu
Organization Constitution

CSI Advisor

Mariaisabel Blancarte 
Mariaisabel Blancarte
Interim Student Organization Advisor
To get involved and learn more about this student organization please contact the Principal Members above by email directly.

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Registered student organizations are independent entities, and are not official units of UC San Diego. Therefore, UC San Diego is not responsible for the acts or omissions of registered student organizations and/or any members/persons acting on behalf of those student organizations
