Women's Club Basketball @ UC San Diego

Social Category

Academic Year
Our club’s purpose is to bring together a group of women who are passionate about playing basketball together and doing it in a competitive environment at tournaments. The club will be spilt into two teams. Team A which is a high intensity level activity and competitive. Then Team B will be more social and laid back for college students who want less commitment but still want to be part of a community of basketball players. Since there is no women’s basketball club, women college student’s on campus will have an easier time finding a community of women who play basketball. This club is being created as a first step in order to become recognized as a UCSD Sports Club by UC San Diego Recreation.


Organization Type
Organization Email
Social Media
Instagram: @ucsdwbballclub
Fund Manager
Kevin Antonelli
Women's Club Basketball @ UC San Diego Principal Members
CECILIA RADAELLIcradaell@ucsd.edu
Sarine Kaloghlianskaloghlian@ucsd.edu
Christine Manoukiancmanoukian@ucsd.edu
Janiya Fujif008@ucsd.edu
Student Information Not Displayed!
Organization Constitution

CSI Advisor

Mariaisabel Blancarte 
Mariaisabel Blancarte
Interim Student Organization Advisor
To get involved and learn more about this student organization please contact the Principal Members above by email directly.

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