Undergraduate Law Review at UC San Diego

Pre-Professional Category

Academic Year
Undergraduate Law Review at UC San Diego offers an accessible platform for students interested in legal discussion and reflection. The journal aims to publish exemplary works submitted by undergraduate students on relevant and impactful issues, with an emphasis on legal scholarship. Through publication, we hope to not only provide resources for, but also encourage intellectual exploration for students interested in a legal or academic career.


Organization Type
Organization Email
Social Media
Fund Manager
Kevin Antonelli
Undergraduate Law Review at UC San Diego Principal Members
Keiko Dickensedickens@ucsd.edu
Theresa Rinckertrincker@ucsd.edu
Rachel McChesneyrmcchesney@ucsd.edu
Chloe Burrowsceburrows@ucsd.edu
Organization Constitution

CSI Advisor

Nenet Botros 
Nenet Botros

To get involved and learn more about this student organization please contact the Principal Members above by email directly.

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