UCSD Student Organizations (2023 - 2024)

Deejays and Vinylphiles Club

Music and Performance Category

Academic Year
The Deejays and Vinylphiles Club (DVC) at UC San Diego is a dynamic and educational student community that nurtures a passion for music and DJ culture. Our goal is to provide an enriching, inclusive, and fun platform for students to explore the art and history of DJing. We cover a range of music styles, genres, and techniques. Through our club, members can develop their own unique brand, learn about the business and technical aspects of DJing, and connect with like-minded peers. In addition to DJing, DVC offers hands-on workshops and experiences within the realm of event production, audio-visual practices such as visual jockeying and lighting, and more. Ultimately, DVC combines a passion for music with industry-level insights, offering students from all backgrounds the opportunity to flourish and express themselves through our shared love of music. No past experience required!


Organization Type
Organization Email
Social Media
Deejays and Vinylphiles Club Principal Members
Keanu Nazemi knazemi@ucsd.edu
Kimberly Wong k8wong@ucsd.edu
Lorenzo Edralin lgedrali@ucsd.edu
Ruslan Bodelan rbodelan@ucsd.edu
Kirt Simmons kisimmons@ucsd.edu
Delaware Wade dbwade@ucsd.edu
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Organization Constitution

CSI Advisor

Nenet Botros 
Nenet Botros

To get involved and learn more about this student organization please contact the Principal Members above by email directly.

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